Monday, April 30, 2012


Dear cik Diary,

If u're a 25 year-old lady or above that, and your parents still control your activity such as where are you going, who you are going to meet, what you do with your money,..and always ask you this and that..

Do you think all these as "Kongkong" ?

I dont think so. They're CONCERN about you.

As you are not married yet, girls,.. you must always remember. U're under your Ibu and Ayah responsibility. If you do something wrong, people out there will say " Mak Ayah dia tak ajar ke? " "Anak sapa la tu" "Kesian mak ayah dia" Always, your parents will be blamed for your wrongdoings.

You're old enough to think, right? ^^ If you dont want your parents control your life, it's easy. Go get married.


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